
3. Personality Cult

The first accusation on the official statement of the Bishops is: We condemn Aspirations to create a cult of personality I believe this must have been their major beef with Pastor Sunday. I agree with the Bishops that we should not encourage cultism and idolatry. It is a command from God. This was one of the major reasons for the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. Mariology is regarded as idolatry. I tried to find out what made the Bishops to make that statement. Yes, I will equally condemn the act if I find traces of it with Pastor Sunday. I will like the Bishops to expatiate on this. I found something though. I noticed that the Embassy of God Church members are very passionate and they love their Senior Pastor. He has so much effect in their life. I noticed that they express their feelings of love either by hugging each other. If this expression of love is the only reason for which the Bishops accuse Pastor Sunday of personality cult, then it must be hypocritical of t

2. Bishops' Action Morally Justified?

After the Bishops published their statement, many people who saw it as a witch-hunt criticized the Bishops. However, I read an article of one Denis Podorojni: " Bishops' Decision is Reasonable and Correct " (analytical study). Denis used the usual tactics to convince his audience: "The Lord spoke to me in a dream". Here is an excerpt: The seriousness of what has been going on in Ukraine has motivated me to take time to carefully research the essence of the matter in accordance with the Holy Scripture (Pr. 18:14; 29:7) by using the opportunity of getting information from the internet and, of course, from the Bible. Had not God clearly talked to me in a dream a few days ago, I would have kept my opinion to myself. I received the conception of this study article point by point in my dream. I experienced something like that in the past only once, when God gave me an important sermon in a dream. Denis did not narrate his dream but he seems to be saying (mostly by

1. Introduction

This blog is a continuation of my analysis of the hypocritical attitude of some of our church leaders in the persecution of Pastor Sunday Adelaja that was masqueraded as a scandal. The least surprising among the "middle men" who tried to "mediate" is a gang of some Bishops in Ukraine. One could write a book on the activities of these Bishops because we have a similar occurence in the Bible. I have decided to dedicate an entire blog on them. The Bishops published an official statement on Pastor Sunday Adelaja. They delved into other issues besides the central issue of the King's Capital scandal. Please note that it took them less than two weeks to investigate and (of course) to find Pastor Sunday Adelaja guilty. The two weeks include the time to prepare their official statement (in ENGLISH!). In the Bible when Jesus was to be crucified, it didn't take the religious leaders much time in the middle of the night to organize their kangaroo court to find Jesus gu