1. Introduction

This blog is a continuation of my analysis of the hypocritical attitude of some of our church leaders in the persecution of Pastor Sunday Adelaja that was masqueraded as a scandal. The least surprising among the "middle men" who tried to "mediate" is a gang of some Bishops in Ukraine. One could write a book on the activities of these Bishops because we have a similar occurence in the Bible. I have decided to dedicate an entire blog on them. The Bishops published an official statement on Pastor Sunday Adelaja. They delved into other issues besides the central issue of the King's Capital scandal. Please note that it took them less than two weeks to investigate and (of course) to find Pastor Sunday Adelaja guilty. The two weeks include the time to prepare their official statement (in ENGLISH!). In the Bible when Jesus was to be crucified, it didn't take the religious leaders much time in the middle of the night to organize their kangaroo court to find Jesus guilty as charged. They had long wanted Jesus' skin and they didn't waste time to seize the opportunity when it came. We have a similar case here.

Also, I want to mention that the main witness the Bishops used to proclaim their "judgement" was Ivanna Schwatz. Here is an excerpt from Charisma's article published on April 20, 2009.

Schwartz's testimony was one of several accounts a group of Ukrainian bishops said they considered before issuing a statement in December saying they "radically dissociate" themselves from Adelaja, whom they called "the inspirer and the spiritual patron" of King's Capital.
Ivanna Schwatz was an employee of King's Capital and also a member of a home group. Ivanna persuaded church members to invest in King's Capital; she was receiving a certain percentage of every investment. Ivanna was the major witness the Bishops used to proclaim their judgement. In their statement, the Bishops accused Sunday Adelaja of "cult of personality", "exaggeration of personal merits", and "false doctrine of prosperity". In particular, the Bishops took the judgement throne of God to proclaim the following:

— All the church leaders to abstain from brotherly fellowship with Sunday Adelaja;
— To pray for spiritual healing of members of the “God’s Embassy” religious community;
— To pray for those who suffered from the activity of the "King's Capital" financial company;
— The Board of the “God’s Embassy Church to discharge Sunday Adelaja and to compel him to leave the ministry for the improvement of the spiritual the church.

The Official Statement was signed by:

Bishop Mikhail Panochko – President of the All-Ukrainian Church Union of Evangelical Faith Christians - Pentecostal;
Bishop Leonid Padun – Leader of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church; Assistant Bishop Anatoly Gluhovsky – Union of the Free Churches of the Evangelical Faith Christians of Ukraine;
Bishop Philip Savochka – Leader of the “Salvation” Christian Evangelical Church;
Bishop Valery Reshetinskiy – Leader of the Union of Christian of Evangelical Faith “Ukrainian Missionary Сhurch”;
Bishop Anatoliy Gavriluk – President of the Union of Independent Christian Charismatic Churches of Ukraine (Full Gospel);
Bishop Anatoliy Kalyuzhniy – Leader of Independent Evangelical Churches of Ukraine Union;
Pastor Boris Grisenko – Kyiv Messianic Congregation;
Pastor Peter Kovalenko – Senior Pastor of Kharkiv Christian Church.

Kyiv, December 29, 2008


  1. Hi brother. Let me remind you of 2 true martyrs, that indeed suffered for Christ:

    Jan Hus: http://wp.me/p3tGFm-3W

    Balthasar Hubmaier:

    Live for Jesus, don't care about the Pharisees.

    Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

    greetings from Norway


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